M. Taufik Anugerah GP


Introducing my name is Muhammad Taufik Anugerah Guntur Putra, SH. I am a bachelor degree at Hasanuddin University in Makassar, Faculty of Law and Department of State and Administrative Law. Right now, continuing study at Administrative Science Faculty of Indonesia University, Postgraduate Programme. And also as employed at Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) since April 1st 2021. I am the first child of two siblings, and I am very interested in the legal study, specially Indonesian Legal System (ILS). Why? Because for me, ILS is the mixture of European Legal Systems, customary Law, and religious Law.  The entire legal system is including civil and criminal, and all of these systems adopt European law systems, namely the Netherlands Law. Because of the historical past that faced by Indonesian, therefore dominations of colony and Dutch East Indies (Netherland-Indie) style, coloring most of all Indonesian law. But the next one is cool, which means that the personalities of people that working and get involved with law world, must be friendly, flexible and  has an expertise in communicating with all levels of society, both from the  bureaucrats or upper-class officials, business people and ordinary people or street vendors, even people from various countries. Giving them an advice and smoothly discussion about law to those prospective clients. 

I am the eldest  son of two siblings. and my lil bro named “Tauhid” (M. Tauhid Yusham Guntur Putra). My father’s name Guntur  (Prof. Dr. M. Guntur Hamzah, SH., MH.) and my mother’s name Ria (Prof. Dr. Ria Mardiana Yusuf, SE., MSi., CLC., CHCBP.)  My dad was a lecturer at Faculty of law in Hasanuddin University and from now on serving as the secretary general in Indonesian Constitutional Court, and also my mother was a lecturer too in Faculty of Economics and business at the Hasanuddin University, Makassar.  



Primary School in SD Negeri Mangkura V, Makassar, Indonesia until June 2007.


Junior High School in SMP. Nusantara,  Makassar, Indonesia until My 2010.


Senior High School in SMA Negeri 21 Makassar, District of Tamalanrea, Indonesia until May 2013.


Law Faculty, Department of State and Administrative Law, Hasanuddin University, District of Tamalanrea, Indonesia until January 2020.

  • Volunteered at ALSA [Asian Law Student Association]
  • Volunteered at Hasanuddin Law Student Club.
5 Studying postgraduate (magister program) at Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Indonesia. Jakarta.


1 Attentions to detail

Interpersonal skills, able to work in team, Ability to relate others, teamwork, leadership, problem solver and respectful.


Tech skill, editing and Microsoft Office


Organizational skills


Committed and Passionate




Language skill Bahasa and English 



Students of Exchange Experience Program at Griffith University, Mount Gravatt Campus / Mount Gravatt, Australia. This is a collaboration Program between Hasanuddin University and Griffith Uni on 2014.

  • Developing Students experience, Knowledge enrichment and cross cultural collaboration Skills between student around the world
  • Joining the class, seat in and having a lot of tutorial courses from Griffith Uni lecturers

Participated in The Seminar of “Manusia Hebat, Life Coaching: Turning Visin into Reality” that held by ISAGU (Indonesian Students Association of Griffith University, Nathan Campus) on July 2014


Participated in The Seminar of “Sharing Knowledge” that held by ISAGU (Indonesian Students Association of Griffith University” at Nathan Campus on August, 2014


The Participant of Seminar titled “Today to Achieve A Great Tomorrow” that held by High Desert Indonesia on April 2015


The Participant of “Angiophiles Community and Course” Tulungrejo – Pare as highly qualified executive English 1 program on July 2015

  • Active Participation in National English Olympics

National Participant of National English Olympics (NEO) that held by Magna Olympus Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Indonesia on June 2011


The Participant of “Socializations Citizens Constitutionals Rights Understanding for Intern Students” that held by Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia / Kecamatan Gambir Indonesia on July 2016

  • Participating in The Internship Program in Constitutional Court of The Republic of Indonesia.

Member of Delegation Indonesian Constitutional Court in Joint Conference on 21 until 23 November 2019 in The Hague University of Applied Science – Nedherlands,


Participating in the Internship Program in Indonesia Ambassy (KBRI) Denhaag - Netherlands, February 2020.


Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding work and contribution in the 1st ANT MAN essay writing program Given on October 30th, 2020, from Postgraduate Student Association, Faculty Administrative Science, University of Indonesia. Jakarta.


Employed at Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) since April 1st 2021 until now in Jakarta.